Cancer: Exercise: Overcome Limitations

Physical, Mental, health, and Strength Limitations with Cancer With many cancers the cancer patient has many obstacles to overcome to maintain a active life-style like they once had. For example: Cancer effects itself; pain or pain from surgery recovery; effects of cancer medications; after effects of surgery; and just to overcome the mental burden from […]

My Twice Daily Meal: Now

My twice daily meal, I will call it “Hog-Slop” Facing the realty that Oncology Chemotherapy did not work then reading the book A cancer related multi-subject book worth reading and applying some logic presented within this book about anti-cancer food types; as a result, I took the information presented within the book one step farther—for […]

The Intresting Journey with Anemia and Cancer

The Beginning As, most likely, many cancer patients have said before and will continue to say tomorrow; it follows, cancer does change ones’ life activities and priorities. I have been under Oncology Center Doctors care through my entire anemia into cancer discover and care experiences. With the same Oncologist doctor has its advantages that both […]

My Morning Meal

One meal required each day at a minimum This page originally posted 28 June 2011. Revised with added content 18 March 2013. During April 2011 I discovered I had following health issues: Coombs positive hemolytic anemia; and Adenocarcinoma colon, hepatic flexure. After my colon surgery: still my anemia condition was not improving with prescribed medications; […]